Renu's Week

Monday, November 14, 2011

Report of 14 Nov '11

Wow, time flies -

In the last couple of weeks, I have been to Boston in my time off and then worked. Many from my high school now live in the U.S. and Nina hosted a mini-reunion at her beautiful house in Boston. Derrick came from Toronto and some friends joined us for dinner, and it was a merry time. Nina picked me up in a sporty Merc, and practically every cop at the airport was hitting on her :).

Work has been nice. One of our patients had his surgery cancelled as his heart started doing funny things on the operating table. He was understandably angry that his surgery had not been completed (regardless of the reason) and stayed snippy for a couple of days, scaring many of the staff. I, too, kept my visits short and one day, when I walked in there, he asked, "Is your last name Singh?" (Names of his docs were up on a board in his room.) I said, "No, I have a white last name, I'm married to a white guy," and the patient laughed and laughed. "Married to a white guy, ha ha ha." I told Scott later that there were indeed perks to be married to him, and this was the first time his last name had broken the ice with a very edgy patient. The patient and I then had a good visit, and he was discharged that day.

Nothing like laughter to make one's day, I tell you.

I was at the farm last week with 3 of my most favorite people: Scott's mother, aunt and uncle. We had a grand visit, with lots of laughter of our own, and I returned energized. I got to round with Dr. Love, and that was extremely rewarding - to soak up all that knowledge. Scott was on assignment in New Jersey, and returned last weekend, so we watched a bunch of movies and also attended the wedding of Carolyn Scanlan and Andrew Holmes, which was grand fun. We saw the Sparzos there - very good people, the kind you just sit and veg and talk and laugh with - and that was a double bonus. We also got to see Kris Rea and Gabe Soukup and their fun kids, and that, too, was salve for the soul.

I got to talk to my Dad and Naren, and that was nice. Navin might be home for Thanksgiving, and that will be nice, too.

Unw -