Renu's Week

Friday, March 01, 2024

Report of 1 Mar 2024

 Good afternoon!

The Bay of Bengal is unfailingly a pretty sight.  Another building was to come up in front of the one housing our apartment.  Thankfully, that plan has been vetoed for now, otherwise our view would have been blocked.    

We are well.  I quite like my telemedicine practice.  It leaves me time to do my workout in the mornings, get some continuing medical education in, and handle issues for the few patients that I have.  

We went to Mysore about 2 weeks ago; I wanted to see my aunt who is getting more forgetful.  She has word-finding difficulty, but does remember other things.  I showed her pictures of Nat's wedding, she identified some people, remarked on others and we spent a pleasant couple of hours.  She used to live in Canada and is very widely-travelled.  So that makes for nice conversation, too.  

On our return from Mysore, we stopped in Bangalore for a day.  We saw my sister-in-law, Susan, and nieces and nephew.  We had a fun lunch at a very popular restaurant, and were requested to leave after we finished eating as there was a wait for the table.  It was a nice time, and I feel privileged to be able to see family.  

My colleague had bypass surgery a little over 2 months ago and we talked on the phone last week.  He is recovering well, and must control his diabetes better.  He is a good person, has educated his children and his daughter is studying nutrition; I've requested that she weigh in on his diet. 

Chennai had a spectacular flower show and Scott and I saw it twice.  The 2nd time was the penultimate day and the poor flowers were not thriving in Chennai heat.  

We went to Siem Reap, Cambodia, earlier this week and saw Angkor Wat.  Close friends had recommended a tuk tuk driver and we used his services.  He was fabulous - softspoken and helpful.  Angkor Wat was underwhelming, but its maintenance, cleanliness and the gentle nature of the Cambodian people made the visit memorable.  

Unw -


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