Renu's Week

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Report of 13 Jan 2019

Good afternoon!

A bit of a funk today - might be the greyness outside.  It's cloudy and not sunny; this might be doing me in. 

The Banyan is fine.  I started working at a different hospital, thus have to be efficient with my time at the B in order to get to my other responsibilities.  Chennai traffic is like NY traffic; I imagine any big city has this mess.  Thus, I spend a lot of time on the roads. 

Kovalam was good.  We had a team of students from Rutgers visiting us last week and it is always good fun to speak to this crowd: they are intelligent, opinionated, fun and curious.  Our Tamil-speaking colleagues were also present at the interaction, and that was good: they always have a lot of very pertinent input.  We were happy to flaunt the joy of the B.

Adaikalam was also fine.  One of the patients at our Medical Care Unit (MCU) is unfortunately being hassled by 2 others there.  This patient, Ms. X, is usually a quiet, fun person and she is frankly scared of the obscenities being hurled at her by the others; naturally.  There has even been a suggestion of moving her to a different dorm and our CEO, thankfully, vetoed it; he stated that all have to coexist, that the MCU is not any one person's home to dictate who enters and who does not.  I coaxed Ms. X to use the restroom at the MCU one day, instead of going to a different one at some distance, offering to accompany her through the gauntlet of verbal abuse; unfortunately, the abuse did continue and Ms. X ended up being very angry with me.  Poor lady.  I had not understood the psyche of the abusers or exactly why quiet and fun Ms. X riled up the opposition. 

We went to a Russian dance festival, to see a visiting troupe dance.  I simply love seeing dances of other countries and cultures.  The folk dances were nice, but then the troupe ended up doing some hip hop sorts of things and those were not good at all.  I have seen excellent hip hop - both in the U.S. and here - and this was not it.  Scott and I left before the end.  Yesterday, we went to see the tabla maestro, Zakir Hussain, in concert and enjoyed it.  We left before that one ended, too, to beat the traffic. 

Yesterday, my brother and family, and my visiting sister and brother-in-law, came for breakfast.  That was grand fun.  I enjoy cooking, per se, and breakfast is a meal that I particularly enjoy making.  I get a bit zealously creative with recipes - sprout salad, meat dishes, etc. - and went to town.  Thankfully, much of the food got eaten and we packed off several leftovers with my brother's family.  My young niece, Ahana, was the only one of her generation present and tolerated us.  It was a very fun morning and I will always appreciate being on good terms with the family.  I spoke to my Dad just now and he was in the middle of a nap while waiting for my sister and brother-in-law; I asked if he wanted to return to sleep and he said yes.  So we ended the call. 

We hung out with the boys this morning and that was so fine.  Candor and chatter and laughter.  And much love across the waves.  It was nice. 

May you have much love, too.

Unw -




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